

We are working to raise the standard of engagement practice and policy in every zip code.

Featured Guide

This guide allows individuals and community leaders to implement greening in their neighborhoods and advance their community goals. The guide compiles information about existing programs and resources within the city relating to three different scales: Home, Neighborhood, and City-wide.

Philadelphia Clean & Green Resident Resource Guide

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Resource Guides

These resources have been developed by Hinge Collective as a way to share field tested techniques for including communities in design decisions. These resources are continually updated and new reports are being generated. Click the orange button to view and download the guides after adding your name to our mailing list. And please, tell us about yourself! Where are you from? How are you using these guides? What other resources would you like to see?

Alternatives to Public Meetings
Engagement Essentials

Engagement Reports

These engagement reports were developed by Hinge Collective as a record of the engagement processes for specific projects. Click on the reports to view them.

2 North Fulton (Unity Park) Community Design & Engagement Report

2 North Fulton (Unity Park) Community Design & Engagement Report

Frankford Pause Observation Report

Frankford Pause Observation Report